: Foundation
Dam: Foundation
Show Name: The Golden Age
Barn Name: Kronos
Gender: Stallion
Height:  18.3 hands
Phenotype: Silver Grey reverse brindle // Amber Ivory champagne brindle manchado
Genotype: Ee/aa/Zz/GG + reverse brindle // Ee/AA/Crcr/Chch + brindle + manchado
Eye Color: light forest green
Breeding Notes:
-Chimeric passes at 10 %
Grey is Dominant coat:
-will always pass G
-Reverse Brindle passes at 20%
Amber Ivory is Recessive coat:
-will always pass A
-Brindle passes at 20%
-Manchado passes at 20%
Artist: Nikki6Ashba


Kronos and Zeus did not get along that well in the past…
Kronos used to be the leader of the herd, one of the greatest in its history. It was a golden age, but all good things must come to an end.

Kronos was getting older and Zeus, a young stallion, demanded for him to hand over Leadership to someone else. Although he never said it, he hoped to be this someone, as he was one of the strongest and bravest stallions in the herd at this time, both traits Kronos valued. But Kronos refused to give up his position and theire arguments got worse and worse, untill Zeus startet challenging Kronos openly. He won and was now the rightfull Leader. Kronos planed to leave the herd with a Group big enough to form a new one, but he soon had to realise no one would follow him. He was old, his eye sight and hearing was getting weaker and he was just not strong enough to protect a herd anymore. He was just not the Great Leader he used to be, and Zeus did a good job mastering his new role, he had to admit that. After some time, he decided to stay to be near his loved ones and help Zeus with some advise.

They now get along just fine and Kronos likes his new role as an Elder. Zeus values him much for his experience and often consults him for important decisions or just to hear some advise, and they can even be seen grooming eachother sometimes.
Kronos? Krooonooos!“
A small colt ran towards the elderly stallion, followed by a few other foals.
„Can you tell us a story?“, asked he just a few steps away from the grazing Kronos. He was silent for a few momentents, until the colt looked at him with sweet puppy eyes and begged: „Pleeeeease…“
Kronos smiled, shook his head and replied: „Okay, okay. Have I ever told you the story of Pandora?“
The young colt squeaked exitedly and exclaimed „No, tell us about it!“
Kronos laid down in the green grass and started to tell: „Once upon a time there was a Mare named Pandora. She was giftet by the gods, and everyone loved her. But one of the gods wanted to test her and gave her a little box. She was told to not open it under any circumstaces, but she was just so curious and soon couldn’t resist the temptation anymore. She opened the box and  as she raised the lid, out flew all the evils of the world. Envy, sickness, hate, disease, death… you know, all the bad stuff…“
„Like Plasic Bags?!“ Interupted him a little filly shooked. Kronos looked confused for a moment and then nodded befor he continued with his story: „She slammed the lid closed, but it was too late. As she opened it again there was only one thing left inside: Hope.
And Hope made all the difference in the world“

(by Birch.)
(by Laurara)
(by Honeymoo)
